By anaph0re - 01/02/2009 15:52 - France

Today, it was good fun getting this nice vampire make-up at my drama lesson. It would have been better if I hadn't forgotten my demake-up. Even better if I could have avoided those crazy glances in the bus home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 706
You deserved it 21 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freaking out random people on the bus with crazy makeup is fun! I was recently in a play that ended in my crucifixion. I went out to eat afterward without washing the stage blood off my wrists - it got some horrified looks and then laughs from the waitress. Another guy with what looked like a grievous head wound, a black eye, various cuts, and dirt smeared all over his face just stood outside the restaurant smoking for a while, looking cold-blooded. Lighten up, have some fun with it!

You should have just gone with it and pretended you were doing guerrilla performance art or something! :P


You should have just gone with it and pretended you were doing guerrilla performance art or something! :P

Jessaly_fml 0

You couldn't have just wiped it off in a bathroom somewhere? I hate getting stage makeup off, that shit gets EVERYWHERE.

Freaking out random people on the bus with crazy makeup is fun! I was recently in a play that ended in my crucifixion. I went out to eat afterward without washing the stage blood off my wrists - it got some horrified looks and then laughs from the waitress. Another guy with what looked like a grievous head wound, a black eye, various cuts, and dirt smeared all over his face just stood outside the restaurant smoking for a while, looking cold-blooded. Lighten up, have some fun with it!

i love stage make-up! going out in public and scaring people is one of the best parts :)

LOL that's funny :P its ok i'd just explain to the ppl on the bus who cares if they laugh? heck i'd laugh with them! or you can just say "shut up or i'll bite you and see how you like it!" LOL thanx for making my day :P

PaperxHearts_xox 0

lol, I do that all the time xD it's really fun to just go and creep out random people with crazy stage make-up. One time, I was playing Pocahontas, and I left to go home in my costume and stage make up. It was quite a ride home x)

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

you should've poured on some glitter and pretended you were a cullen ;D bonus points for wearing gold contacts.

Lebb 0
FML_Add1cT 0

#5 lmao they would like call the cops LOL

lmao. YOUR the guy who i saw on the bus...! lmao. xD jk. YDI.