By SINGLE - 23/01/2010 10:27 - Australia

Today, I planned my own wedding down to the very last detail, including favours for my guests, the sweets buffet and the bouquet of flower brooches I want. Too bad I'm still single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 861
You deserved it 37 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offence, maybe you should try enter a relationship, or possibly wait until you're in a relationship. If a boyfriend found those plans, he'd msot likely think you were coming off too strong.

Ya this is probably why you're still single.


No offence, maybe you should try enter a relationship, or possibly wait until you're in a relationship. If a boyfriend found those plans, he'd msot likely think you were coming off too strong.

yeahhhhhh nice one trying to feel important

AntiChrist7 0

well nr.13, so it's you we have to thank that crap FML's like this one get through? Well done

banditandbadger 0

OP, Yes.. Your life is ******.. But you get no sympathy from me.. Only pity.. (basically the same, but pity is for much lower people).. ----- Maybe more time could be spent looking for a guy, instead of planning an imaginary wedding.. ----- If all else fails: Go buy about 20 cats, and start throwing them at people passing by..

Ya this is probably why you're still single.

pancakes_n_syrup 0

The OP doesn't say she told anyone..every girl has planned their wedding out. I could tell you details about mine, probably about as much as the OP and I'm not getting married. It's what girls fantasize about..I'm sure any guy could tell you what his house would look like if he became rich or something. Not FYL op, you're just well prepared for when it does happen And I'm not single, so obviously this doesn't hinder a relationship

No, not every girl plans this stuff out. 0_o

I never once even thought about my wedding or what it would consist of and still never have, I really could care less until it comes to that point in my life.

I couldn't tell you what my house would look like if I was rich. Also, the wedding thing I'm torn with. I would never protest anything my fiancée wants for our wedding, but if she was like one of the women in sitcoms when they get married, I wouldn't be so understanding as the guys in that show. You know in most sitcoms, where it's the wedding day, and the woman just becomes an uberbitch, and the guy takes it because it's their wedding day? Or Monica Geller off Friends who just became a bitch period after her wedding. I think I'm getting off point here. So, yeah, my house...

@#40 "I really could care less until it gets to that point in my life" So, at that point, when it's the most important it'll ever be, that will be the point you care least about it? That's rather strange.

Okay, maybe most girls have THOUGHT about their wedding but I doubt most plan everything down to the 'very last detail'. That's for brides and wedding planners. The OP just seems a little desperate and pathetic, imo.

WtF are you saying? Yes. I really could care less to plan my wedding years ahead of time. If you dont like my wording then tough noogie.

Not every girl plans that shit, because not every woman wants to get married. Including me. I've never even fantasized about it. Not even once! Or kids. So next time you speak for the female population, Don't.

I have barely thought about my wedding and my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I know who my bridesmaids will be and a song i'd like to play...that's it.

imchanel 0

then why are you planning your wedding if your not getting married? go find a boyfriend or fiance

roaminginsomniac 0
mojo5678 5

Your name is 69kitty... Maybe you should take a look at yourself before judging

To be fair, that's probably why you're still single.

copcrasher 0

No wonder you don't have a boyfriend, all you do is sit around your house. Go out once in a while

Ironically, this is probably why you are still single.