By Bassackward - 25/08/2016 05:53

Today, I decided to pop the question to my beloved. Perfect lighting, fresh cut roses, a fancy dinner. The restaurant was in on it too. Shame they brought out the wedding-themed congratulations dessert before I actually went down on my knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 908
You deserved it 1 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did she say yes?! Damn cliffhangers!

Well, as long as they said yes, I don't think it's too much of a trouble. Hope everything worked out well! Congratulations!!! ...Oops


Well, as long as they said yes, I don't think it's too much of a trouble. Hope everything worked out well! Congratulations!!! ...Oops

In the long run, of course not. However, I'm sure that the OP is disappointed that after all his careful planning, the surprise was ruined.

Well, did she say yes?! Damn cliffhangers!

Yarecho 14

Oof that sucks man I'm not gonna lie that does kinda suck. Hugs Op

That type of problem usually becomes a hilarious story you tell people years later, I wouldn't worry about it for too long. Especially if the spouse to be said yes.

Smh when I started reading I thought that something horrible was going to happen to you and your beloved...

amileah13 26

Aww, what a way to ruin the surprise! But did she say yes??

Hey, premature proposition happens to the best of 'em, OP. They don't make little pills for lasting longer, but it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Coffee5555 14

did she say yes? which is waay more important.