By enderw - 16/06/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I picked up my 17 years old daughter after a late night movie in down town and got pulled over by a cop. He questioned us for a solicitation. I told the cop that she was my daughter but he said "so you are the daddy" and laughed. Good to know that my daughter looks like a ho and I a perv. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 115
You deserved it 6 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomdude1234 0

A lot of cops are idiots. Not saying that there aren't good ones but a lot of them are idiots.

WTF? Or maybe the cop just has a dirty mind XD


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MasterModeraor 0

at least he said you look young. you should take that as a complement

Critter456 0

lol 156! that sux op, ur daughter probably doesn't wanna b cn w/ u any more, does she?

I've been accused of being my Dad's wife and my mother's Girlfriend. Get over it

WTF? Or maybe the cop just has a dirty mind XD

randomdude1234 0

A lot of cops are idiots. Not saying that there aren't good ones but a lot of them are idiots.

#5 made my LMFAO. The Po are dumber than a box of rocks. LOL. "Have you ever seen a grown man naked honey?"

voveraite 7

Haha, so what language is this? Klingon in Cyrillic? :D Strange indexing here, I was replying to Blimy...

jem1991 0

ever heard of the term corruption?

bollywood_rocks 0

Nice little government 101 lesson there BUT DID IT OCCUR TO YOU THAT SOME BUSYBODY AT THE THEATER or wherever they were called the cops,gave them a description of the car and people which the cop used to pull them over? Since something similar happened to me( gas station said I didn't pay and the cops came to my house A DAY LATER) it is likely possible.

So he thought you were... her pimp or something? I also agree with #5/randomdude1234.

he thought that the girl was a prostitute and the guy was buying her

File a complaint with internal affairs and demand a written apology. Whatever you do, don't call his supervisor. It'll be swept under the rug, you will be labeled as a pervert in the "official" paperwork, and you will the officer will hunt down reasons to ticket you.

jem1991 0

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jem1991 0

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How do you know what she was wearing could have just been normal clothes.

I feel so bad for you! How upsetting!