By shameonme - 01/04/2016 19:46 - United States - Nampa

Today, I found out one of my friends had never seen the "Two Girls, One Cup" video, so I loaded it up and told him to watch it. I knew he was squeamish, but I didn't expect him to actually pass out. He cracked his head on the side of my desk and had to be rushed to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 822
You deserved it 17 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"So, how did you crack your head?" Well you see...

You're gonna be paying for the hospital bill & the therapy sessions.


"So, how did you crack your head?" Well you see...

You're gonna be paying for the hospital bill & the therapy sessions.

Not if the Op's friend consented to watching the video.

am I the only one who hasn't seen it yet?! :o

TheLostCauseFML 40

just watch it! It's been out for a while now! Good luck with that!

Be sure to watch it where no hard objects are around.

No, I've seen the first 5 seconds since my friend thought it would be funny. It wasn't funny

It's bad. Don't do it. But totally look up a blue waffle..

I've seen the whole thing and laughed, but then I grew up in an age where shock videos where normal and folk tried to scare you with them, so I've built an immunity to 2G1C, BME pain Olympics, blue waffle, rice dick, tub girl, there's a lot of ****** up shit.

andrmac 25

...And when you're done with that watch too many cooks too.

Don't do it, horrible can still see it that we are talking about it, also don't look up "blue waffle" as someone else said its horrible as well.

If you watch it, that's a decision you'll regret for the rest of your life.

If you do watch it, you'd wish you didn't. Take the advices from those above and don't watch it. Seriously, you'll regret it if you do....... or maybe you won't. I dont know. :p

tantanpanda 26

I just watched it after reading this FML. Like, wow, nasty.

Some things can never be unseen just remember that. I'm scarred for life after watching that shit.

No i haven't either, people at school keep trying to make me watch it and I'm just like biatch i don't want to watch it so SHUT THE FAK UP.

Nope...Never knew it existed so, I just did and I regret it. Please don't watch if you already haven't.

Oh yes, I need some new friends because they tricked me into blue waffle and red pancake. Luckily, my Sex Ed teacher said they are myths. I'm to scared to find out what it really is though.

RaggedClown 11

No. I haven't either. On purpose.

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So, it's an innocent kids's fault for not being a sheep?

modern trend? that is f&cked up society where that nasty stuff is a trend

You're right. How dare he not watch videos of people playing with their own shit.

No, some people just have more class and respect for others. Why should people we caught up on porno trends? If you do, that should be something you keep to yourself if all your friends aren't on board.

Mathalamus 24

you are an asshole... never do this sort of thing. its just mean, evil and cruel. i dont like those pranks...

Bigmike211995 8

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It wasn't a prank the guy knew that he was going to watch it and did so willingly.

I can't necessarily see this as OP being an asshole, just negligent to their friends' weaknesses. Since OP doesn't state that they wanted to cause any pain or scare towards their friend.

My friend pulled the same prank. She didn't find it funny after I vomited on her floor

last_kings84 19

Some friend you are buddy....

Squeamish already shows that this will end badly...try softer videos like kittens or puppies...heck maybe even a Sagloose clip for Christ's sake