By Anonymous - 30/01/2015 02:50 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I went to get a haircut. Who shows up not 5 minutes later to also get a haircut? My obnoxious, bully of a boss. She started chatting with me across the salon the entire time. There was no way to get out of the conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 2 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have slid the barber a little extra to take a little extra off the back of your bosses head

Try talking back. You never know you might find out they're not that bad. Some people just aren't cut out to be leaders.


Try talking back. You never know you might find out they're not that bad. Some people just aren't cut out to be leaders.

chlorinegreen 27

This could be a blessing in disguise.

RenoTheRhino 30

You could ask your hairdresser to start talking to you, so maybe she would stop.

Sadly if the boss is as obnoxious as OP said, she'd likely just talk over any conversion OP was having with the hair stylist.

Should have slid the barber a little extra to take a little extra off the back of your bosses head

People are usually quite different outside of work, it could've been the start of a new friendship or your boss was just trying to be nice.

It goes both ways. I have coworkers who are just as big of jerks outside of work as in.

That is true, but we're supposed to make OP feel better ;)

I don't think she can threaten to fire OP outside of the workplace, that'd be abuse of power and frankly a little stupid.

Dreamsorrow93 24

Should of started a fake convo with the stylist.

If you really wanted to get out of a conversation with her, you should've told her that the trimmer was too loud and you couldn't hear her. But then again, if she really is obnoxious, she'd probably just start talking louder.

convince your boss to pay for your haircut...might work.