By Tingly - 16/08/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, I realized that that tingly feeling on my face when I put a new combination of acne wash, acne medication, and my usual moisturizer on was not, in fact, "it working." It was slowly peeling away the top layer of skin. I look and feel sunburned. I also still have acne and oily skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 450
You deserved it 6 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been there, OP. So many acne treatments have done more harm than good! Believe me, I know how much it sucks.

Do it yourself dermabrasion? What's next, do it yourself breast augmentation?


Do it yourself dermabrasion? What's next, do it yourself breast augmentation?

for ***** sake.. you arent suppose to put it on your face, you eat it

ydi for caring about self image that much

YDI for realizing that that tingly feeling on your face when you put a new combination of acne wash, acne medication, and your usual moisturizer on was not, in fact, "it working." It was slowly peeling away the top layer of skin. You look and feel sunburned. You also still have acne and oily skin.

Umm, are you sure it wasn't like hydochloric acid or something? Read the label next time, geez.

op that sucks I have acne on my back which sucks but at least no one can see it.

#18 It doesn't have to be hydrochloric acid for it to cause that kind of damage. Acne medication can be pretty rough on one's skin-- I learned that from experience.

skroal, i dont know who you are, but i think i love you. your uncanny ability to completely flip around everything the OP says in order to place the blame on them is simply amazing. i am amazed. bravo good sir, bravo!

mtl_gtrst1723 0

YDI for thinking that when you mix three different things, everything is gonna work like it would without the mixing. and sounds gross

@21: At least you think no one can see it.

BleuPapillon 0

Is your skin regiment any percentage of salicylic or glycolic acid? Your acne medication probably is - and wear sunscreen when using all of that.

Oh yeah, sugar. Like an ant wants a magnifying glass. ò_ó

You want me all over you and I want to be all over you, eh?

Hey, that's not fair, you changed it! Lol

Now Sean, don't let your fantasies have too much of a hold on your sense of reality.

But Redblu, I can see you're getting turned on just by looking at my pussy! I bet you can't wait to see my face!

Become a superhero and wear a mask. That way no one will notice.

Sorry, I'm not into ********** or prepubescent boys.

That's good, αlthough Justine Beaver would be upset.

What have you been told about talking about yourself in third person?

Hey, if the bag/mask is done right, OP will look just like Candlejack. That would be a cool way to hide her acne prob

Aww, I think I've been stood up!.. :( anyway I'm getting hungry, so I think I'll go to sleep before my iPod dies. G'night.

19 & 22 ur both pretty hott!!! let's have a threesome

Hey Sean, did you know your bacne spells "Citibank" in Braille? PS: Use an anti-acne facewash or antibacterial soap on your back. I don't have bacne but I use my Burt's Bees stuff on any potential outbreak spots.

Jane: Burt's Bees? That's pretty rad, I never would have thought of that. Is there a special acne wash or something?

xxxbooxxx 16

smarty.. you're only suppose to use one acne treatment.. if you use more than one then.. that happens.. retard. read the labels!

it's called exfoliation, by removing the top layer of skin, the anaerobic acne bacteria is exposed to oxygen (which kills it). it takes a while but you should clear up in a week or two

dirtycharley12 0

136 You seem to be the only one who has some sense. OP most acne treatments given to you by a doc make your skin peel and using 3 diff kinds can really agrevate your skin. It's not bad to use 3. It just makes it worse. Try backing off some treatments. Don't stop though! After 2 or 3 weeks, there should be improvement.

#9 you're probably one of those people who write "YDI for being ugly" on other posts....

YDI, why? For not reading the manuals and most people know that you shouldnt use medications all at the same time.. Unless its allowed so.

srry op try one at a time u can't make everything better all at once this isn't an fml it happens to the best of us =D

rubyroborr 0

sue it's the awnser to ur problem :P

I don't knaw what yer prawblem is, but you just may be the awnser to my preyers.

I wasn't promising awnsers; I was joining you in the demand for awnsers. I want awnsers for everyounenw.

42 is the utlimeat awnser, to life, the univrese, and evreyhtgni.

overthelimit 3

hitchhikers guide to the universe ftw.

I f*cking hate people like that. who's answer to everything is to sue. like HOLY F*UCK solve your own problems and stop screwing up other people's lives. that's bullshit.

I've been there, OP. So many acne treatments have done more harm than good! Believe me, I know how much it sucks.

knibbsy 4

Holy guacamole OP, you must really enjoy facial........products.

PICS! please? right now im envisioning some sort of nasty zombie-like creature with pealing skin and puss oozing out of...and stuff.

Didn't they ever teach you not to mix several chemicals at once? For shame.

we have an overdose in the acne isle, overdose in the acne isle.