By lct722 - 16/03/2012 05:54 - Canada

Today, I panicked when I saw a spider on my shoulder from the corner of my eye. It was a birthmark. The same one that has been there for the last 23 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 806
You deserved it 23 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder how many times you have slapped the shit out of yourself trying to get it off you lol...

Vacant 7

Haha, why is this in intimacy?


zebralover23 14

Lmfao, it woul freak me out to

Honest can't remember EVERY lil detail about your body. sometimes I think a bug is on my neck when its just my hair out of the ponytail. :P

Ana102211 4

taha tell me why that always happens to me x)

Been there... TOTALLY did that... And even peed myself as a result. You got off easy.

Watch your back, that mofo's out get you; constantly plotting against when your back is turn**24/7 since well you rarely pay attention to your shoulder**.

That's happened to me twice and I'm 22

BunBunBabe 8

At least you didnt try to smash it

All hail King Spider... May he live for another 23 years!

jvmockingbird 0

I have a serious fear of spiders and would probably end up doing the same thing lol