By raybandy - 24/01/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, I wake up only to find that my roommates cooked all my food. Now I'm starving and the place smells like delicious bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 272
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks even worse when you're in college and get to live on the poverty diet, then everyone eats your food without telling you.

that sucks. present them with a bill, get your own cabinet and put a lock on it, have a small fridge in your room. oh, and help yourself to whatever food of theirs you want until they pay you back.


It sucks even worse when you're in college and get to live on the poverty diet, then everyone eats your food without telling you.

Shadow0B 0

*hugs raybandy, crying hysterically*

Cook up some of their clothes and eat with ketchup. That'll teach 'em.

spitfire921 0

i would be so mad! my sympathies friend!

that sucks. present them with a bill, get your own cabinet and put a lock on it, have a small fridge in your room. oh, and help yourself to whatever food of theirs you want until they pay you back.

Well, I loves me my bacon, so sorry about that.