By misi - 22/06/2019 16:00

Today, my mother threw a fit because the psychologist she got me suggested I visit a psychiatrist. Apparently, it's my fault because I "choose" to be so "crazy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 731
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, psychiatrists are a lot more expensive and can prescribe expensive meds. Your mom probably hoped you’d play ball with the psychologist and see if you could fix your problems more economically.


Well, psychiatrists are a lot more expensive and can prescribe expensive meds. Your mom probably hoped you’d play ball with the psychologist and see if you could fix your problems more economically.

The day you can solve chemical problems with therapy is the day the moon transmutes into blue cheese.

If a psychologist feels meds are needed as part of the treatment part, they probably are. And I’m truly sorry that you aren’t getting the support you need. Adjustment to meds can be tough and it can take a few tries to find the right one, so understanding is needed. It’s worth the hassle in the end of the adjustment and merry go round of meds to find the right one though. When I was still living at home and needed help, the doctors swore kids didn’t get depressed or suffer from bipolar and it took until I was 21 to get proper help. Hang in there.

Bad luck, that you have such a non-supportive mother. Good luck with your treatment. Sending my love.