By Bliss - 09/02/2009 18:24 - United States

Today, I gave my drink to a girl who I got with previously and started to dance with her. She backed off after a few seconds, took my drink and danced with my friend who was standing right next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 012
You deserved it 5 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NEWSFLASH: buying/ giving a girl a drink doesn't entitle you to access to her ******. if this is the way you think then YDI. stupid desperate douches like you who only think with their dicks, are the reason that some girls never have to pay their own way.

Why is this downvoted? Sure, it's nice to drink a whole night without having to pay as a girl, but a lot of guys do seem to think the girl then 'owes' them something.


Dr_Phil 0
xSonic 9

I don't get it ? how did she take his drink after he already gave it to her

should have bought her another drink then threw it at her face. how dare she stand you up. then throw your friend to the ground and kick him in the spine. assert your authoritay

flighted 1

I would have taken the drink back

not bad dude.. i hooked up with a girl one night, and she said she wanted to bone, so i pulled out a condom, and then she had some emotional freak out cause of a fight she had gotten in with a guy earlier that night.. she said 'i just cant do this tonight', and me being a nice guy didn't rape her, lol jk, but i was like ok.. she said dont worry ill be back to party tomorrow (we were at my friends house.. my last week of high school partying).. she came back the next night.. got drunk and boned another guy.. everyone in the house could hear it cause they went at it so hard, then me and my friend had breakfast with the guy at ihop the next day.. haha. you got off easy man.

Man.. I'm so sorry to hear that you had breakfast at iHop. FYL, bro.

evil bitch. you totally should have asked for your drink back.

amatayo 0

Finish the story: So I slapped the drink from her hand. Feeling good about myself I went outside to some really dirty looking bikers. Putting my foot on one of their bikes..... And then I woke up and wrote part of the story

NEWSFLASH: buying/ giving a girl a drink doesn't entitle you to access to her ******. if this is the way you think then YDI. stupid desperate douches like you who only think with their dicks, are the reason that some girls never have to pay their own way.

Why is this downvoted? Sure, it's nice to drink a whole night without having to pay as a girl, but a lot of guys do seem to think the girl then 'owes' them something.

Adding to this: Having sex with someone doesn't give you indefinite access, either. "But you wanted to yesterday" doesn't work.

ChickInGreenVans 12