By audied - 04/01/2010 21:26 - United States

Today, I noticed the woman I've been sleeping with for over 2 years never lets me see her naked during sex. I confronted her about it and she replied, "I don't care if you see me naked. I was just leaving the lights off the whole time so I don't have to see you naked." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 293
You deserved it 4 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be glad you're getting some. There are people with nicer bodies and still haven't gotten any. It's not like her's is any better...


Just be glad you're getting some. There are people with nicer bodies and still haven't gotten any. It's not like her's is any better...

iankennedy17 0

azurablade can suck his ****. ****** noob

awe. what a … bitch ! sorry but uh, she sure sounds like one

Haha, roll with it dude. In total agreement with #5 here. And since she doesn't mind and you clearly want to, tell her you want to watch her undress (or undress her yourself) and turn off the lights before you get undressed yourself. ;)

dante0220 0

u want some ice for that burn... 9th

that's soo cold for her to say. but ydi for having sex with a girl who doesn't respect you like you need to be.

BRiANNE123 0