By Joshua - 03/06/2016 17:53 - United States - Weatherford

Today, the woman I have been seeing said she couldn't see a future with me. This was all because I didn't text her back when I fell asleep after working a double night/morning shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 507
You deserved it 1 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you don't see a future with her either.

Did you tell her to ensure her psychic bond with the phone was strong after holding it for a while to transfer her energies into it? I too have trouble prognosticating with my phone, which is why I usually use my crystal ball, but if she /really/ tries, she could see all sorts of futures with you. Maybe you should tell her she's not making enough effort and then show her how a real psychic sees a future.


She's not worth losing your sleep over.

Seems like you dodged a bullet in my opinion

Hopefully you don't see a future with her either.

better now, than being really invested in her...

I managed to fall in love with the worst texter on the planet and I still see a future with her. Jesus. (I mean, she does other things right.) And I'm pretty clingy and in need of validation.

Did you tell her to ensure her psychic bond with the phone was strong after holding it for a while to transfer her energies into it? I too have trouble prognosticating with my phone, which is why I usually use my crystal ball, but if she /really/ tries, she could see all sorts of futures with you. Maybe you should tell her she's not making enough effort and then show her how a real psychic sees a future.

I myself use the new Crystal Ball app developed by Gypsies Inc.

your comments are the best. I'm always looking out for them

Turn on your auto-reply messages before you go to sleep. I recommend: Tell me more I agree That's interesting She'll never know you're sleeping and you'll be the best listener ever.

Hey, what time should we go over to the park? "Tell me more"

Haha. Very true, those wouldn't really hold up against questions. Guess we just have to hope that OP's GF isn't very inquisitive.

If she's THAT needy buy her a puppy....a woman should understand that IF you have a job you actually go to she should keep her face hole closed and accept that sometimes you sleep!

I don't get it. What is wrong with some women? I recall my friends girlfriend breaking off the engagement simply because he did not answer to her phone calls as she was returning home after the engagement. Her "logic" was if he doesn't care enough to answer to my calls now, how would he treat me after the marriage? She completely ignored the fact that the guy was a sailor who had returned home after 14 months and was surrounded by 80 family members who were there to not just celebrate the engagement but also for the guy's mothers birthday the next day. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. Better to have found out these traits before you got married and she took away half your stuff, kids and the dog from you. How do I say it's not an FML but a WIN !!!