By Anonymous - 09/10/2012 08:38 - United States - Murrieta

Today, I noticed that my penis looks tiny in my girlfriend's hands. Without thinking, I pointed it out to her. Now she thinks I have a small cock, and I think she has man-hands. Either way, we're both turned off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 134
You deserved it 36 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You pointed out your tiny penis to your girlfriend ... Who may have once been a dude... Ydi

lovepandorasaver 11

Well you single handedly ruined your relationship...


Most people don't even notice that stuff unless someone brings it up. Ydi

And sex between you two shall be forever awkward !

No lie my best friend had the same problem, so i told him to date girls wit small hands so everythinh they grab looks big on there hands.. Try it out

Wither way--that seems a tiny bit shallow for both of you. Really--all it takes is for her to have big hands? Am I watching Jerry Seinfeld here?

You should've kept that to yourself; now you no longer will get hand jobs.

How would pointing out your small dick be in any way beneficial? YDI

He needed to point it out so she actually noticed it.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Why the hell would you point that out?