By Anonymous - 16/05/2017 16:00

Today, I've been yawning every few minutes. Which would be fine, except every couple of yawns my jaw dislocates, and I have to put it back in place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 193
You deserved it 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That could come in handy if you wanted to eat a cantaloupe whole. Send pics!


Vitamin B12 will help with that. Drink plenty of water too.

Winchesterbride 9

if you shouldn't have already, you should go see a doctor if he could help you maybe.

mitolit 12

Incoherent, very, much confusion.

That could come in handy if you wanted to eat a cantaloupe whole. Send pics!

I could be wrong but this sounds like TMJ dislocation.

TheWhiteDragon 8

I've always wondered: how exactly does one relocate their jaw?

I always had to roll it back and forth, sometimes pushing/massaging with my hands as well.

UOFreak07 8
Little Richard 11

Use to have the same prob. Any time you open your mouth, to yawn, or anything, touch and hold your tongue to the roof of you're mouth. It limits how far you open your jaw, and keeps it straight.