By Mike - 21/02/2009 22:24 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend for the first time, and she asked me if I ever get made fun of in the locker room for my small penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100 941
You deserved it 7 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, considering that 90% of nerve endings in the ****** are in the first inch or so of the ****** (especially near the opening) and the g-spot is only about 2 inches in there isn't really a need for a large penis...really a large penis would miss those most sensitive areas


You got boned hard by the girl that you were boneing... that's cold bro. FYL

Emily9352 13

Sure, dump the girl you just had sex with just because she said your penis is small. People have no respect for anything important these days.

It's the way she said it. It was kind of a bitch move, and I think the majority will agree. If people have overweight girlfriends they don't say " Do you ever get made of for being fat?". Even if you think it, some people need to know when to shut there mouths.

How does one believe in something so idiotic. It's like calling a girl fat. It's wrong

holynemesis1208 3

i always wanted to say that to a guy i knew but that takes serious balls

CanadAssassiN 0

Well, did you? no, jk...that wasnt very nice of her to say- good luck with your relationship in the future....

What's up with small penises? What's the problem? I don't believe that you have an pickle sized penis, it's like she needed it a lot larger and bigger to feel it... What a bad, bad image! I couldn't never say anything like that, or any of the girls I know.

Gloritank 8

"I couldn't never" is a double negative. It should be I could never, or I couldn't.

Well, considering that 90% of nerve endings in the ****** are in the first inch or so of the ****** (especially near the opening) and the g-spot is only about 2 inches in there isn't really a need for a large penis...really a large penis would miss those most sensitive areas

itachi5464 0

You don't have to insert your penis all the way. let's say I have a 7.5 inch penis, I only have to insert a few inches as to not hurt the woman. unless she really wanted it all. Plus it has bragging rights.

Shoulda cum in her eye and left imo :P On a serious note: that's seriously harsh, definitely deserved some kind of retalliation :(

Well how old are you? You can always hope it just hasn't finished growing all the way, since the penis usually grows most rapidly during at the end of puberty, and since some guys don't even start puberty until they're about 15, you might not be full grown until you're about 19. Just tell her she needs to stick around a little longer and then things will get better. ;D Or maybe you just simply don't have a very big penis and you're girlfriend has too high expectations.

I hope you dumped her stupid ass right then.

cyndee_2010 0