Flattery will get you nowhere

By Anonymous - 03/02/2021 14:02

Today, my mother told me I've gained so much weight recently, she thinks I should get gastric bypass surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 762
You deserved it 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wysegirl 24

I know how you feel. My husband has told me I should get a tummy tuck due to my baby pouch. Hopefully you can talk to her and if you have gained weight and want to lose it have her walk with you for starting the discussion.

I'm sorry to both of you. No one should be ridiculed blatantly like that. If you/someone has an issue with you/someone else, it really depends on the relationship you have to come out and talk about it. Bring up positive suggestions to help each other feel better, rather than bandaid and insult in a round-about way. Heck, I've had 3 kids, and I MYSELF want a tummy tuck once I'm lower than my pre-pregnancy weight (since I'm now done with kids) My husband actually told me to not to and said it isn't worth surgery to fix something like that. Whatever YOU want to do, do it for yourself.


wysegirl 24

I know how you feel. My husband has told me I should get a tummy tuck due to my baby pouch. Hopefully you can talk to her and if you have gained weight and want to lose it have her walk with you for starting the discussion.

I'm sorry to both of you. No one should be ridiculed blatantly like that. If you/someone has an issue with you/someone else, it really depends on the relationship you have to come out and talk about it. Bring up positive suggestions to help each other feel better, rather than bandaid and insult in a round-about way. Heck, I've had 3 kids, and I MYSELF want a tummy tuck once I'm lower than my pre-pregnancy weight (since I'm now done with kids) My husband actually told me to not to and said it isn't worth surgery to fix something like that. Whatever YOU want to do, do it for yourself.

tell your mother to stop body shaming you and don't get gastric bypass I've known several people who had it and they all greatly regretted it

It's bullshit! You don't learn anything about eating, so eventually you find a way to get fat again.

coius 23

This is true. To keep the weight off you have to have a lifestyle change. I had an uncle who got the lapband surgery. He gained it back because he sucked on large amounts of hard candy, causing it to bypass the theory and never make him full. It’s an attitude change, not a diet that will help you lose and keep off weight.

flagbitch 8

Attitude and lifestyle change goes a long way!

Actually GB physically reduces the capacity of the stomach so patients have less ability and desire to over eat.

In theory that is the way it's supposed to work, but fatties will always find a way to push past the pain and get fat again.

ghostinflames 13

Have the will to achieve progress in small things temporarily. It's so much better than back stepping. Record results and stick to it.

mando 10

Don't cheat on your diet for absolute best results. Compromise with hubby and have him exercise with you!

I've known a few people who have gotten a GB and it really had a positive impact on their overall health and lifestyle. If your really struggling with weight might be worth looking into.

She's not necessarily wrong. Maybe you should talk to a doctor or dietician?