By DC - 11/10/2016 13:41 - United States - Sioux City

Today, I narrowly avoided a head-on collision in the parking garage. The other driver cussed me out. It's a one-way route through the parking garage, and I was going the right way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 916
You deserved it 1 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In those situations the driver is often a little mentally unhinged so you're best off just not reacting and getting out of there... Yelling back at people like that could make them completely explode on you and may they may be dangerous.

YDI for eating the last piece of pie in the tray when your great grandfather needed it to live.


TheEpicKitten 20

How dare you follow traffic laws, don't you know it's cool to go against the flow?

In those situations the driver is often a little mentally unhinged so you're best off just not reacting and getting out of there... Yelling back at people like that could make them completely explode on you and may they may be dangerous.

Hopefully he realized it was one-way and felt like an idiot afterwards.

I saw that episode of Just for Laughs... u were a good sport

Sounds like another episode of Mr. Magoo. "Sunday driver! Watch where you're going!"