By AgentKoos_99 - 11/10/2016 07:52 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, after waiting 3 months to see if I got the job I had applied for, I was told that they never received my application. Turns out that the email address that they told me to send it to was not being checked anymore and that they would be happy to consider me for the following year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 016
You deserved it 1 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you wait 3 months to follow up with them? I always call a few days later to make sure what I sent was received...

Wow, if they didn't bother to check it when they still had the job application thing up with the same e-mail, that was their fault. Dozens of applications could've been lost because of this. But hey, if you don't find another job by then, you can work with them!


Why did you wait 3 months to follow up with them? I always call a few days later to make sure what I sent was received...

orangejubejube 20

This can happen with emergency response jobs - especially police, when they hire once a year - as well, military that draft once a year. Other jobs too, when they have a major hiring time. And it's not always simple as phoning up the company when it's a 'we'll call you' deal.

Yeah most companies have a "if you call us, you're not getting hired" mentality

orangejubejube 20

Very true, imagine every applicant called you 'just to check in' - majorly annoying, especially if they have a heavy hiring season.

Wow, if they didn't bother to check it when they still had the job application thing up with the same e-mail, that was their fault. Dozens of applications could've been lost because of this. But hey, if you don't find another job by then, you can work with them!

If you haven't heard back from a job in a week or so, follow-up with a courtesy phone call. If done right, it can increase your odds of employment because you'll seem keen and organized.

YDI for waiting 3 months to follow up. Also if you hadn't even received a call for an interview, why would you think you'd be getting it?

mermaidkeels 26

Bet that next year you'll be calling hours after sending the application if you decide to apply again.

That's why the follow-up, make sure the application was received. YDI

You'd think they would be aware of what contact information they're currently using, and that they would give the accurate details out to people. It's amazing how often these kinds of issues happen, these days. I mean I know people make mistakes, but surely at least one person in that place was aware beforehand that the email they gave you was wrong.

I understood the post to mean it was a correct email, but they had since (sometime within 3 months) stopped monitoring it. I would think they stop checking/reading emails once they locate a match and fill the position.

follow up max 1 week later, 3 months is too long even 2 weeks is too long

For everyone saying to follow up after submitting an application, please note that this is just as likely to hurt your chances as help. There are some recruiters and hiring managers that appreciate the initiative, and others (like myself) who find it pushy, time consuming, and annoying. Unless you've already had an interview, applicants should usually assume that if a company is interested, they'll contact you. This particular case is an anomaly and it's really old world advice to tell people to follow up to be sure the application was received.

I agree. That may have been the way to do it before but in today's day and age I wouldn't call to follow up. I just feel like you look desperate. Not the first impression I would want to give.