By Anonymous - 20/10/2010 07:00 - United States

Today, I met my roommate for the first time. I walked in the door to see him in full Roman gladiator gear, screaming at the computer because he lost 18 knights. He also told me he wakes up every 3 hours to make sure his army is still intact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 349
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments


romans? knights? guess OP fails at history Praetorians!

RedPillSucks 31

as long as you don't wake up with him screaming, THIS IS SPARTA!!!!

its romans....spartans are greek... maybe he'll be screaming BURN BABY BURN....

Get your own suit of armour then walk in saying you're looking for a room for two knights.

808Boyo 4

I feel like I've seen this in some failed movie somewhere. Either way I'd get some Egyptian Cleopatra's army sort of looking armour and swear with every fiber of your being you will destroy his army of peasants and Roman scum itself. Too far? Meh.

Well, at least you know you will never get locked out of the room because he brought a girlfriend.

He does have a girlfriend, silly. Two, in fact. Their names are Lucy Lefty and Rhonda Righty. ;)