By Anonymous - 20/10/2010 07:00 - United States

Today, I met my roommate for the first time. I walked in the door to see him in full Roman gladiator gear, screaming at the computer because he lost 18 knights. He also told me he wakes up every 3 hours to make sure his army is still intact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 349
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LilSideTwerk 0

wow. I bet he started crying when he lost 19 the next day. lol just kiddin'

HERE' A SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!! Find a new roomate...durrrrr X)

Chigagigaroo 0

Now that's what I call obsessive.

K1A 3

You girls aren't going to be stealing this man's virginity anytime soon...

CherryToothache 17

He sounds like fun D: Here's hoping he has some respect for roommates :| Or hide his keyboard.

FarscapeSDC 9

Dress up like a barbarian and challenge him to a duel. "Celts vs. Romans" should be an interesting fight.


I would LOVE this man, and laugh at him.

As long as he doesn't wake you up then that's pretty awesome