By DirtyCharmed - 01/11/2011 06:29 - United States

Today, I'm very ill. My throat and glands are so swollen that whenever I fall asleep, I relax too much and cut off my own air. The doctor said it's a viral infection and there's nothing they can give me, so I can choose between trying to kill myself by sleeping or staying awake for the next few days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 672
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you should've consulted another doctor for a different opinion. Still, FYL.

Just go to sleep, the second your throat closes, you will automatically wake up. And if this were truly life or death, you'd be in a hospital, lol.


Normally, I would flame the shit out of you for suggesting such a God-awful drug. In this case however, it's really not a horrible option. That being said, OP should go about getting the drug legally. There are a number of prescribed amphetamines available, Ritalin included.

kwt2007 2

Seriously, go see another doctor. Or tell the current one what's going on when you try to sleep. Steroids like the mentioned Prednisone still work as immunosuppressants and will reduce the swelling even with a viral infection. Any real doctor would know this and would give you something if it means you can sleep...

By glands i'm assuming you mean tonsils. Drink ice cold water, if you can sleep somewhat upright, and see about having your tonsils / adenoids removed once you are no longer sick.

#68 actually getting the tonsils removed (assuming those are the referred to glands, even though they aren't glands) is perfectly acceptable. This can be a recurrent issue with cryptic tonsils, as well as being a cause of sleep apnea. If it becomes recurrent I would have then removed (and did).

perdix 29

Do you have cool stuff? Can I have it when you die? Go get intubated.

I had sleep apnea so bad caused by my throat almost touching when I was awake. You can imagine me trying to sleep. It's a constant waking up and you don't know why, but it's because your body wakes you up from not breathing. You can sleep, your body has an alarm system. It'll just keep waking you up.

Devyn, if you haven't already, pls see a doctor!! Sleep apnea is serious and you can actually die...your doc can prescribe a CPAP machine that will enable you to breathe so you can get the sleep you need (and so ya don't die!!) =)

spekledworf 18

sleep on your stomach. trust me

private1111 0
HeatherAS77 10

Yep, yer right. Nothing to do for a viral infection but you need to sleep! That's your best chance at getting better faster, our bodies repair themselves during sleep. Lay with your head elevated & try using a vaporizer. Good luck!!

NoNotTheFace 8