
By Bolin - 17/05/2021 08:08

Today, I have to sleep in another room, with the door closed, because if I don't, my girlfriend's snoring will keep me awake. I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia because of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 917
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

She should probably have a sleep study done Or something to fix her snoring issue, and that would also help you!

Sweetie 5

She may have sleep apnea which can lead to heart valve issues.


ojoRojo 27

She should probably have a sleep study done Or something to fix her snoring issue, and that would also help you!

Sweetie 5

She may have sleep apnea which can lead to heart valve issues.

Can we please hurry up and re-normalize not sharing a bed or even a room? Everyone has different sleep needs and it doesn't make it less of a relationship to acknowledge that. Also have her do a sleep study and test for apnea especially if her snoring is new or worsened.

She'll likely need a CPAP machine to sleep from now on.