Thanks for your support

By SocialSuicide - 17/11/2021 04:58

Today, I've been bedridden for 2 weeks. My mother, a very busy woman who lives 30 minutes away, took me to the doctor's office, which is barely 2 minutes across town. Turns out I have strep, and a bad ear infection. My loving boyfriend of 6 years, who lives with me, just told me to take a hot shower and I'd feel better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take the hot shower. It will make you fell good enough to pull your boyfriend's ear and yell at him to lift his lazy butt and help you for a change.

Dirtysalamander1 13

seems like you need to talk to hime about how you're been feeling.


Dirtysalamander1 13

seems like you need to talk to hime about how you're been feeling.

SocialSuicide 13

I told him about it when I was coughing up blood.

Take the hot shower. It will make you fell good enough to pull your boyfriend's ear and yell at him to lift his lazy butt and help you for a change.

A hot shower wouldn't help you feel better?

SocialSuicide 13

couldn't say the whole story, but he told me it would fix my cough.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

I understand it's been a long relationship, but that sends up a lot of red flags.... I'd highly recommend therapy - specifically DBT if at all possible. Hope you feel better soon!

Good thing you got your mother's love. You can't change your family but you surely can change your boyfriend.

SocialSuicide 13

Whole story (if you want it) I had a miserable cough, massive headaches and could barely eat due to my sandpaper and razor blade infected throat. I also had a yo-yo'ing fever from 97 (my usual temp) to 103. I begged him to help me and maybe take me to a doctors after the fever started and I coughed up blood. He had also gotten sick the day I got sick, however he took a shower after he started to feel a bit better and was magically fixed on day 1. I also took a shower once I had the energy (after he told me I would be better if I followed suit). I indeed did not feel better, I actually felt much worse. It's not that he didn't care about me because he would check up on me regularly to make sure I didn't stop breathing and got on my case about taking cold and flu meds. I was very upset with him and he apologized after I got a diagnoses. He then proceeds to get a cold from his new job. And gave it to me.