By overdriven07 - 01/09/2009 15:07 - United States

Today, my landlord asked to borrow my truck to move some furniture. When she returned it, I noticed she had filled the gas tank up. I thanked her for doing so, and she handed me the receipt and said "just add it to next month's rent". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 901
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

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Are you serious? I"m sorry but I was taught then when you borrow things you return them in the same condition if not better. I always borrow my friend's truck and fill it all the way up regardless of when/where/how long I used it. Even after he tells me I don't have to, it's been ingrained into my head by my parents and I've yet to meet someone that didn't like the gesture.

Buy her a birthday present (or Christmas, whatever the hell). When she says how much she likes it, hand her the receipt and say, "Just deduct it from this month's rent."


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No, no I'm not. And you know why? (1) I got a "first" several months ago. I did not scream "FIRST!!!!!" and (2) Evidently all you care about is the "FIRST!!!!!!!" because that's all you said. So if it's that important to you, take it, whatever. Just know that everyone's going to rate your comment down.

jackalope104 0

Congratulations on being 1st. I hope this is a big step for you in your miserable and pathetic life.

HotRodScott 0

Today I was the first comment. FML

Please if someone posts "First" which they most likely will do, just don't reply. You guys are pathetic for caring that someone says first.

lifeislife_fml 0

Losergirl, if someone gets first comment, why NOT say "first"? We all know everyone who gets first thinks, "I got first" so is it really that much worse if they type it out? I bet you when you got your first comment, you thought it was exciting but didn't want to be seen as an idiot so you didn't write "first."

mikcand 0

ya nd u think ur all that just cuz u go first wow how amazing such an achievment a two yr old would be proud of and ur not getting a prize idiot.

The large amount of people that go on this website, and the very small amount of time there is between the time the stories are posted, and the time someone makes the first's a slim chance to get first. Maybe people feel lucky when they get first. Maybe they are on this website because of their own sucky lives, and this...this is hope for them.

Geez some people can act like such 5 and a half yr olds. And talking bout u.

yeh #77 thaatd be me ATM . have 4 uni exams this week , so finding people who have a more f"d life makes me feel better haha

lilcec76 0

Who cares you are first! it just means you sit on FML allday and you wait somebody to post something just soo u can first amd sometime the OP like advice not people being first on their post DUHHH!!!

Hope springs eternal. This isn't really an FML, you just got your hopes up and were wrong.

Are you serious? I"m sorry but I was taught then when you borrow things you return them in the same condition if not better. I always borrow my friend's truck and fill it all the way up regardless of when/where/how long I used it. Even after he tells me I don't have to, it's been ingrained into my head by my parents and I've yet to meet someone that didn't like the gesture.

I completely agree. It's just basic decency. The landlord is a fuckhead. Don't give her the cash, OP.

better yet the next time she want something from him tell her to **** off

JPLovesAnimals 4

An even then. She should subtract the cost of the gas she used

Yeah don't add it to the next month's rent. Landlords are dicks.

if you actually add it to next months rent, then you're a dumbass.

No, if he starts a big fight over 20-30 dollars that he can't win because his opponent has all the power, THEN he's a dumbass. If he loans his car to this bitch of a women who is so greedy and inconsiderate, she repays a favor with a bill, THEN he's a dumbass. Right now, he's just been screwed over by a top candidate for the World's Worst Landlord competition.

lorraineald 7

It's a truck. More like 80-90 dollars. Maybe even more. That's actually a lot of money. That's grocery money or whatever else OP wants to use it on.

Buy her a birthday present (or Christmas, whatever the hell). When she says how much she likes it, hand her the receipt and say, "Just deduct it from this month's rent."

rayrayy_fml 0

I wouldn't add it to the rent. It was asinine of your landlord to assume you wanted it filled. What if you could only afford a $10 re-fill here and there? She's rude. Also, #8 FTW.

Well, if you think about it, if gas prices go up between now and then, you will be saving money. Think of the positives! Oh, wait, that's impossible here...I forgot...


I dont know but does anyone think that the landlord went somewhere that the amount of gas in OP's tank was not enough and thus she needed to get it filled. Besides wouldnt OP get just do it anyway? Say LL(Landlord) needs to go to Point A to Point B OP's truck is a 2010 F-150 with MPG of 15/21 Lets say Its the City A-B is 45 Miles Thats 3 Gallons But she has to get back so thats 6 gallons when a F-150 hold about 15-10 Gallons. So If you have the Marker on the E and your only haflway there you need to get gas. btw Ford FTW.

You're missing the point... he did her a favor by loaning her the truck. Filling up the tank after you borrow someone's car is a courtesy and a way to say thank you.

She borrowed the truck.. she didnt help him in ANY way. He: 1) Risked liability in an auto accident 2) Damage from moving 3) Covered her gas as she drove around on his tank 4) Saved her from having to borrow another truck/spend money renting one. She: 1) suggested he pay for his favor. 'LL' can eat a fat dick.

she didnt suggest she said "add it" which means she wants him to pay for the gas SHE used

that's ****** up. at least she did it while gas is much less than it was just a year ago.