Anonymous - 11/10/2010 04:59 - United States
Anonymous - 09/03/2023 22:00
Where am i?
Anonymous - 11/04/2023 18:00
Anonymous - 08/05/2009 04:18 - United States
Smooth moves
Anonymous - 16/03/2023 10:00 - Canada
Bad idea
Anonymous - 19/04/2009 21:44 - United States
Big lad
Stronk - 17/06/2024 15:00 - United States
Anonymous - 27/05/2016 04:07 - United States - Taylors
xxxdwangelaxxx - 18/04/2009 21:08 - United States
Anonymous - 30/09/2010 17:13 - United States
supermanxs1 - 09/03/2010 15:32 - United States
hAhah I see what you did there #1 ;)
why is there a need for show off? stupid
this is the only fml of a gay guy that i've seen that the OP specifically didn't call himself gay. I salute you OP.
14 read it again dude... it says "3 girls"
34 - Which means that in the end, 14 hates gays and homosexuals. Good job on failing, 14.
legonut- 14s comment is commending Op for not pointing out that he is gay. I don't think he was using it as an insult.
no I didn't mean to say anything bad about any homosexuals I just read the fml wrong and I put that it seems like every gay guy that writes an FML says they are gay which doesn't make the FML worse like Im homeless, jobless, and my friend let me into his home but said I smell so I bad I have to keep a distance. Oh yeah I'm also gay. FML
I did something similar to this but I tried to do a backflip slam needless to write it failed and I had to get stiches
lololololollollol fail
.69 If you hate people stating that they're gay, why did you feel the need to do it yourself in the very same comment? Ha.
#94 read it again, there may not be quotes in the needed places, needless to say- they shouldn't of said anything in the first place without reading it properly
Looks like you wont be SCORING tonight ;)
Disagreed you have to start somewhere.
YDI for "trying to impress them." You're an idiot :) So sick of these types of FMLs.
lol no. I mean ones like "I saw a hot guy/chick whilst I was playing sport/driving/whatever, so trying to impress him/her, I did (something "cool" related to whatever activity) & failed because something something. They laughed as I cried (Totally made that bit up but you know what I mean lol =p) FML"
This type is still better than the "Today, something mildly bad and unamusing happened in my life and, while my life isn't completely ******, it's going to sting for the next 4 minutes" type. Is unamusing a word?
I know. Stop trying to show off, people. I know that when guys try to impress me, I get mildly annoyed. OP, YDI.
staciieee_x3, you can't say that you didn't get a thrill out of clicking YDI 50 times while giggling to yourself. What? was it just me? This is better than the FMLs like "I just watched both my parents get killed by robbers...". True FMLs are too depressing to read, but stuff like this one can brighten your morning. Otherwise, one might go to mylifeisg
#59 I enjoy how you have a picture of Seshomaru, and your name is talking about the Matrix ^^.
I could almost bet he had the goal really low.
it was one of those portable "nurf" basketball hoops for 5 year olds that you park in your driveway... HA!
my thoughts exactly, 9
lol fail... ydi.
dont try to impress random girls who are walkin gby. 9 times out of 10, you're just gonna end up lookin stupid.
unless u r snoopy^^^^ then u can get away with anything
Today while trying to impress some girls I tried to do a backwards rimjob. It didn't go so well and I ended up hurting my head. My mom then came and kissed it better. :-P

Don't worry, nobody noticed you in the first place.
Looks like you wont be SCORING tonight ;)