By Anonymous - 21/09/2009 14:26 - France

Today, I learned that "Je suis excité" does not mean "I'm excited" in French. It means "I'm sexually excited"... more or less. I've been doing a lot of exciting things and using it a lot the past two weeks. With my French friends, people I meet, and especially with my host family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 845
You deserved it 14 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry... I'm a native French speaker, and "je suis excité" isn't that bad and can be used with non-sexual things as well

Hahaha, they must think you have some great fun ;D


savvyslicer 0

I'm not sure if your friends are telling you the truth, but "je suis chaude" means i am hot in the sexual manner. so basically it means i am horny.

Ellodie_fml 0

you're wrong. so stay in your wrongness and be wrong. i'm French, and Je suis excité (with or without the "e" at the end (depending of the gender)) means I'm excited. do you know what "Tu es juste un idiot qui ne sais pas parler français" means? well you should go check it up

it doesn't mean that! it means I'm excited!

randomburger 7

ahaha tu as tres mal a parle francais!!!!!!!!!!

what the hell?!? ur so stupid! je suis excité doesn't mean it sexually excited! it mans I am excited! I speak French! I would know! MORON

U idiot.Im francaphone and je suis excite means im excited.saying je suis sexuallment excite means sexually excited

Oh damn. I've been taking French since kindergarten and ive said that phrase several times. Especially to my teachers :/ omg I'm gonna die soon...

sexy_dinosaur15 0

I'm Canadian french and je suis excité clearly means I'm excited, je suis sexuellement excité means I'm sexually excited

romeonsingcross 15

Ah, et is zee language of love, is it not.