By Sleep Deprived - 25/12/2011 05:27 - United States
Same thing different taste
When you're in a dream…
By Anonymous - 12/01/2010 01:40 - United States
By Big Baby - 28/01/2017 00:00
By Ugh - 15/02/2011 17:10 - United States
Human! I request petting!
By Anonymous - 07/11/2022 06:00
The good son
By Busted ears - 28/09/2024 02:00 - United States
By Insomniac - 18/05/2019 04:17
By quietsleeper - 13/10/2009 11:07 - United States
By Tired Girlfriend - 14/06/2017 22:00
By turnedintoinsomniac - 21/01/2011 19:46 - United States
By dinkley7 - 28/07/2021 18:01
Top comments
Well at least you won't die now..
Don't you ******* question Chuck.
Actually there's this thing called sleep apnea and it's when your heart stops in your sleep, that's one of the symptoms:/
You guys know it, but Chuck Norris doesn't know this. He never sleeps and gets his 8 hours of rest. So him not knowing sleep apnea is normal for him.
21- Thank you for being the hypochondriac of the FML board. I think you for your service, however I HIGHLY doubt that man has sleep apnea.
Thank* I will work harder to redeem my honor with my next post.
21- No dear. Your heart stopping in your sleep is a trip to DocBastard. Sleep apnea is when the airway in your throat is not fully open, causing you to lose oxygen. You gasp for air whilst you sleep and if severe enough, it will cause asphyxiation. That's why they wear masks on their faces. It pumps air into the throat. Loud snoring is a symptom. If you're going to scare someone, scare 'em right! ;)
No no, heart stopping in your sleep happens when KaySL loves you unconditionally. A trip to DocBastard is much, much, MUCH worse. It involves slow, painful toture.
Next time she does this, don't move.
47, you had me at tourture. Will you teach me more?
36, you don't know ANYTHING about op except that he snores and when he stops snoring, it worries his wife enough to wake him up. If you TRULY are a physician assistant, then why don't you recognize the classic symptom of sleep apnea?
What a total idiot! Tell her to stop. Crazy idea, I know, but just consider it.
I'm reading this at night and i'm afraid of going to sleep.. ****
Chuck Norris invented cheeseburgers... by throwing a cow at a chainlink fence... haha off topic but I thought it was a good opportunity.
Hell yeah I did^^ and # 20. I f***ing love you now.
At least she cares :D
Yes, and I know with time it must get on his nerves, but thats still one of the sweetest things Ive ever heard
it's wishful thinking by the wife
Yeah, but I think he would be happier if she had spent her nights sleeping rather than waking him. My dad had the same problem, it passed when he bought a water-pillow. Maybe it's a clue...
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the day! :)
It's not crazy at all. Snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. Op might have sleep apnea. When he stops snoring, that may be a sign that he stops breathing briefly. If that's the case, his wife is worried and is waking him up to ensure he's okay. People with sleep apnea never know they have it. It takes someone else to notice something is wrong.
I came here to say the same. Your oxygen levels drop dangerously when you have sleep apnea. You can get brain damage and lice a shorter life if its not treated.
OP may or may not have sleep apnea, there's no way to diagnose that on the internet. But if he hasn't been checked for it, maybe he should. If he does have it, he can get a CPAP and if he doesn't, then his wife can relax and leave him alone. It's a win/win. FWIW, my husband does have sleep apnea, and before he got diagnosed, I would wake up when the snoring stopped. You get so used to the sound, the lack of it is alarming. And I've had to wake him up after watching him not breathe for several seconds. It's much nicer now sleeping next to Darth Vader, because before it was like sleeping with the vacuum cleaner.
Cause he can control it when he's sleeping...
Did he die???
Yes just before posting this...
Yes, he's posting this as a zombie. Now he will perform the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance with Michael.
Shit, this is what happens when someone beats you by on minute. ****...
So If she does this every hour, does she like never sleep and just listen to you and watch you sleep?
Wow she actually WANTS you to snore?!
you are lucky someone loves you this much and that she feels comfortable with your snores.

At least she cares :D
Well at least you won't die now..