By fucked - 24/08/2014 20:03 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I landed my first job as a security officer. Only after I signed all the paperwork did I find out that the area I'll be working is apparently a hotspot for violent shootings. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 382
You deserved it 6 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wonder why there was a job opening there... with all of those... violent shootings?

grow a pair. U knew what u signed up for being in security

Grow a pair? Really? He's at risk of being ******* killed, 100% warrants being worried. Grow a BRAIN.

He has a point. I work in an armored truck. I knew what I was signing up for, just like he did. Violent criminals can go wherever you are. There is no "safe" in some fields of work, especially with all these cop killers running around.

Why don't you show him how to grow a pair and go do his job for him idiot.

I actually do security work and knew what I was signing up for when I did it same as he did

Why did this get so many thumbs down? Do you guys realize what a security officer's job is?

See, this is why you READ the paper work

Welcome to Oakland! (edit when I saw OP was in Cali)

RedPillSucks 31

Are you going to Ferguson, MO as a black guy?

Are there such things as non violent shootings

Good luck man. Don't worry you'll be fine. Just don't think about it