By fucked - 24/08/2014 20:03 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I landed my first job as a security officer. Only after I signed all the paperwork did I find out that the area I'll be working is apparently a hotspot for violent shootings. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 382
You deserved it 6 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments


remember SWAT drills.... two to center mass, one to the head!

jjcoombs22 5

Could be worse, could be five nights at Freddy's...

Just be glad it's not at a kids' pizzeria, and it's not your job to monitor the animatronic characters.

cheshireau 26

But I don't understand, wouldn't you expect that being a security officer? Even if you were a bouncer at a club, you'd expect to possible get hit breaking up a brawl.

Invest in a Kevlar vest or better yet a Kevlar body...

At least it's not the night shift at a kids' pizzeria.

Try it out for a few days, it might not be as bad as you think.

well obviously ur a badass or something cause they wouldn't of sent u there if u werent who knows u mite be a modern day hero some day