By undineA - 18/02/2014 20:16 - Greece - Thessaloniki

Today, feeling magnanimous, I decided to help a frail-looking old lady across a busy street. She managed to "accidentally" hit me in the balls with her cane no fewer than three times before we reached the other side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 077
You deserved it 4 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I'd have stopped helping her after the first time. And definitely by the second!

peve3 12

Fool you once, shame on her. Fool you twice, shame on you. Anything after two is just taking advantage of you.


I think I'd have stopped helping her after the first time. And definitely by the second!

Silly crazy old ladies.. what will they do next? Sorry about your balls, OP.

arandomusernameaa 20
Aligator67 12

I respect the elderly, but if someone does something multiple times in a row then it must be on purpose. I would of stopped helping her the third time and walked away.

Ha, someone thumbs downed you 18 because they're in denial! I think people get confused by "would've". Those poor, unfortunate souls.

In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed.

Or, more likely, they were thumbed down for being an insufferable grammar nazi. It's the internet, people.

mattdaviess 6

One does not simply "walk away" after getting hit in the balls multiple times.

Aligator67 12

#18, Alright, fine. Correct me for one minor mistake. Down vote me just because I did one small typo. That's cool. Real mature to do so. Out of all the people on this app.. I'm the one being corrected? Alright. Fine by me

Cry me a river, build me a bridge and get the ***** over it.

peve3 12

Fool you once, shame on her. Fool you twice, shame on you. Anything after two is just taking advantage of you.

ChristianH39 30

What if it's really the same old lady in all of these fmls?

Screw that. I'd quit after one hit. But good on you dude.

You continued helping an old lady even after she hit you in the balls with a cane not just once, but three times? Anyone who says chivalry is dead has obviously never met you, OP!

jazzy_123 20

23, speak for yourself! I've met plenty of nice guys who open doors for me out of kindness and not because they're trying to get in my pants, or anything like that.

Lord_Cornwallis 5