By worried - 16/08/2011 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I heard that a boy in my class had written a song about me. Intrigued, I went to see him perform. I spent 3 excruciating minutes listening to a song about 'the girl of his dreams', his tear-filled eyes staring into mine the whole time. I have to sit next to this freak for the next 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 55 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fossilman 0
LinTurk 4

Don't be an ass. We've all had to deal with these types of things but there are tactful ways to go about it... And who has the same seating chart for two years?


So, if he turns out to be the next Justin Bieber, releases this song and it goes to number 1, you still gonna think he's a freak? It takes a lot to perform in front of people, especially if you know the person who you wrote the song about knows it. Try giving him a chance, he might be a really nice guy

Wow... Seriously?? A freak? You have no heart, and I'm sure once he realizes it he'll forget about you.

IrishSoulja 4

that's pretty heartless I'm guessing you are on of those preppy HS chicks that thinks they are too good for anyone other than a jock

guerito903 0

you heartless bitch the guy doesnt deserve that amd yet you seeked him out

God you are a coldhearted sob. He was telling you that he loved you. You dont have to love him back, but dont call him a freak for having emotions.

shutmeupx 0

You are an ungrateful bitch for calling this guy a freak. Do you know how many girls would love if a guy wrote them a love song? Seriously, have a heart.

well don't be so mean about it, calling him a freak... gosh... you don't deserve a stalker