By worried - 16/08/2011 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I heard that a boy in my class had written a song about me. Intrigued, I went to see him perform. I spent 3 excruciating minutes listening to a song about 'the girl of his dreams', his tear-filled eyes staring into mine the whole time. I have to sit next to this freak for the next 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 55 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fossilman 0
LinTurk 4

Don't be an ass. We've all had to deal with these types of things but there are tactful ways to go about it... And who has the same seating chart for two years?


atleast you werent laughing the whole time he sang to you..

KiddNYC1O 20

Lol. The man in your picture ate bat.

Egnar 19

What exactly were you expecting? Either the song was an intense love song or it was a song of intense hatred, and you'd probably know about his intense hatred for you if that were true. You deserve it for seeking him out and playing into his disillusion and fantasies which are what will make the next 2 weeks awkward.

Egnar 19

Even worse - But the point stands that she seeked him out and made it awkward.

Just because he has a crush on you and you don't feel the same way doesn't make him a freak, i bet you've had pretty strong crushes on lots of guys and gone to similar lengths to try and impress them *cough* freak *cough* :P

LadyHayden 0

That's so true! You've probably had that happen to you or it will happen •karma•

RuffianLivesOn 8

That is so adorable! Why is he a freak? Let me have him if you don't want him. You are a heartless bitch.

Hey, you might not like it, but at least don't be a jerk. Respect him for it.

I'm with 16 your gonna hate yourself later.

hatepineapple 14
captain2obvious 18

If you weren't interested in him why would you have gone to watch him perform a song /about you/? Typically when a guy writes a song about a girl its a love song. It sounds like him crying during the song bothered you, not the fact that he's in love with you.

Trencher21 0

Shut Up Bitch Thats Really Sweet U Obviously Dont Deserve Him