By worried - 16/08/2011 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I heard that a boy in my class had written a song about me. Intrigued, I went to see him perform. I spent 3 excruciating minutes listening to a song about 'the girl of his dreams', his tear-filled eyes staring into mine the whole time. I have to sit next to this freak for the next 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 55 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fossilman 0
LinTurk 4

Don't be an ass. We've all had to deal with these types of things but there are tactful ways to go about it... And who has the same seating chart for two years?


messedupchick94 0

that is sweet what if hes a cool guy who jist happens to have a crush on you and is brave enough to show you how he feels ?

Really really mean, I would be more than happy to find out that some guy had written a song about me. He should be the one on FML talking about how he wrote his heart out on a song then sung it to this girl and she ended up being a total bitch!

What if a day or so later you see a fml saying he wrote a song for a girl lmao

I'm getting tired of hearing girls whining about never finding "the one" But when they come across him they think he's a freak

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

How is this guy 'the one'? Does that mean that every male with an obsessive crush is really the one the girl is meant to be with? I agree she shouldn't have watched the performance, but she's not a bitch for not feeling the same way. This guy obviously knows very little about her, and is already very serious about the way he feels. From my experience, I know that getting to know someone like that is dangerous, as it encourages them and makes then truly believe that you're madly in love with them, even if you're just trying to be nice. It's cruel to play that game, and unwise.

Maybe what 68 meant by the one was a really good guy

124: She definitely isn't a bitch just because she doesn't like the guy back, but she called him a freak and seems kinda like she hates him or is disgusted by him, from the tone of the FML. :/ That's a bit mean of her. I suppose maybe he could have done something to deserve the way OP seems to dislike him, but OP never mentioned anything like that, so I don't know.

girls don't want nice guys, as much as they say they do they don't I have pretty much only female friends because im way too nice, but I'd rather die alone nice than get laid nightly as a douche

Twisted_Angel 17

Wow... talk about a jerk reaction! That's sweet, I would get to know him better before writting him off. You never know, he might be the man of your dreams. If he cares about you that much, you're a damn fool if you avoid him over this.

well that's a bit rude to call him a freak. He's just expressing his feelings.; you don't have to feel the same way. Now if he was outside your window at 2am doing this, then I could see how you'd be freaked out.

So you would rather him call you an ugly bitch?

Wow your so mean.. now your going to go around to your friends whining about how you can never find the right guy

Gothmonkey7 3

You're a bitch for not appreciating that.. I would've ******* LOVED it.