By worried - 16/08/2011 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I heard that a boy in my class had written a song about me. Intrigued, I went to see him perform. I spent 3 excruciating minutes listening to a song about 'the girl of his dreams', his tear-filled eyes staring into mine the whole time. I have to sit next to this freak for the next 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 55 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fossilman 0
LinTurk 4

Don't be an ass. We've all had to deal with these types of things but there are tactful ways to go about it... And who has the same seating chart for two years?


Kylias 6

You might be right about him. Somebody who likes a bitch like you probably is a freak.

thetikigod 4
bigkountry209 0

man ur a bitch he poured his heart out for u i mean if ur not attracted let him know so he dont waste his time on ur sorry ass

quivx 7

You sound like a total ******* bitch.

Then girls start talking shit tht they cant find a good dude? Lmao you girls dont know wht you want or see? :)

At least it wasn't about how he wants to kill you because you're so ugly and annoying. Which is what I expected. So... get over it.

nicky3636 5

Why are you being so mean about this? He likes you, a lot. No need to be rude to him. You're lucky he likes you.

camachorose 0