By DocKreso - 28/06/2013 21:59 - Croatia - Split

Today, I had to remove a glass bottle, complete with an ineffective pullstring, from a patient's rectum. He claimed that he'd accidentally sat on it, and later threatened to sue me for every penny if I breathed a word of it to anyone. Oops, looks like I just did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 874
You deserved it 6 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully said patient doesn't read this website! Otherwise, good luck being poor!

There's no hipaa violation if you didn't mention his name. Hahahaha!!!


Technically what you did is illegal... Patient/doctor confidentiality

yeah, don't insert anything that doesn't have a flared base, so it doesn't get lost. As far as doctor/patient confidentiality, that's a sticky one. Sure, you can omit the patient's name, but in many cases an approximate age, gender, and hometown are enough to identify someone anyway. Still, cases get written about in medical journals and so forth without any violation of patient confidentiality occurring, so although I'm not a lawyer (and I especially don't know Croatian law), I'd say OP is at least *morally* in the clear. This one also should get posted on "Things I Learn From My Patients" (google it), a discussion thread on a web board about dumb things E.R. patients do to land in the E.R.

WumbologyMajor 3

Wow! You truly are a douchebag. Its called doctor-patient confidentiality. You know, the Hippocratic Oath that every med school grad pledges to follow.

rokolodo 10

Hey! If he/she comes back to talk shit to you, give us his info we got your back.

Oh shit if he looked online at all the stuff people put up their asses he'd know he wasn't alone. And there should be like a psa so that people would realize that open bottles create suction dumb asses. Just go to the **** store and get over it. And good thing you get paid tons.

So should the new saying be, "Who shoved a bottle up your ass?"

ViviMage 38

Have you talked to DocBastard about his rectal bottle removal skills??

pinguino3669_fml 23

You still have to report to someone about helping the patient, so that would be somewhat impossible.

Why does everyone use this excuse, I "sat" on it? Do they honestly expect anyone to believe it? Lol.

chezgigi 7

Wow. There must be an easier way to recycle...