He's still right, though

By Anonymous - 30/12/2020 05:03

Today, my dad snapped at me for assuming that Eminem was the one to come up with the phrase, “Will the real ___ please stand up?” since that was the only time I’ve heard it. Apparently, I “always assume things are modern”. So I asked him where in fact the phrase came from and guess what? He didn’t know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 771
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BigSissy 14

I believe the phrase comes from the 50’s TV show To Tell the Truth.

Try telling your dad that Friedrich Nietzsche ripped off "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" from Kelly Clarkson. That will be fun!


BigSissy 14

I believe the phrase comes from the 50’s TV show To Tell the Truth.

Sounds like your dad just wanted to be right, no matter what

Try telling your dad that Friedrich Nietzsche ripped off "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" from Kelly Clarkson. That will be fun!

It comes from "To Tell the Truth", a popular game show that has been on the air since the 50s (it's still running, apparently)

JosephFDawson 7

It could be. I don't know. Yet my mom is convinced Green Day's Time Of Your Life is a cover so.....