By bbbbb - 14/10/2012 05:29 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, I slipped on a crayon a little girl threw on the floor, causing me to drop the tray of water I was carrying, making me spill it all over her. After getting cussed out by her mom, I was fired for making a customer unhappy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 294
You deserved it 1 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Sounds like a shitty job anyways. You've got to do menial chores around spoiled rotten brats with their obnoxious, abusive, arrogant parents and are backed up by spineless, obsequious management. As with a cheating boyfriend, you can do better. Begging for small change under a bridge would be more dignified than working at that shithole with those shit people.

The customer is always right? Not this time.


The customer is always right? Not this time.

It scares me deeply that that this is the next generation. Pretty soon, these brats will be driving and voting.

mduffy08 8

They say this... Every generation...

UncleMuscles 5

I agree with 44. And who knows, the next generation could think glass condoms are a good idea.

^ You're doing it waaaaaaaaaaaaaay wrong. what a disgrace to 강남스타일。

God, I dont get people. How can they be so blatantly irrational. That sucks OP.

Because people like that believe they have certain rights which gives them a sense of self-entitlement which /guarantees their ******* weight in gold/.

perdix 29

Sounds like a shitty job anyways. You've got to do menial chores around spoiled rotten brats with their obnoxious, abusive, arrogant parents and are backed up by spineless, obsequious management. As with a cheating boyfriend, you can do better. Begging for small change under a bridge would be more dignified than working at that shithole with those shit people.

Aww, perdix, you're always so bitter :') never, ever change.

Lol I can picture Perdix at a job: Boss walks up, yelling Perdix: "Sir have you had a nice cup of Shut The **** Up today?"

Customers really are just jerks. It's like common decency is gone.

Getting soaked with water vs potential broken bones. Unreasonable customer. I would fight that termination if I were you.

Epikouros 31

A ninja waitress would have kept the tray of water level while falling on her behind.

Do you guys have Fair Work over there? Because I'd be calling them. That's unfair dismissal and I dare say it was caught on camera. Don't let them walk all over you like that, because they'll just keep doing it to people.

jeebus op, that's rough! youre probably better off somewhere else if you got fired for that

God those hurt sooo bad when you step on them without shoes on

september1395 7

19- oh really? I thought it might feel good-__-

26: It more or less depends on the situation. Pain: stumbling in the dark while drunk, and stepping on a triangle piece with your big toe. Pleasure: getting out of a hot bath, stepping on a Lego base plate (that big flat thingy whee you set up houses and buildings) with feet that have calluses from nearly a decade's worth of aikido.

that place doesn't deserve you anyway... if they would fire you for making one customer unhappy w/o even listening to your side of the story or anything

Ah, Connecticut. The land over the over-priveledged, entitled parents and the unfulfilling service jobs.