By Noname - 19/02/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, my sister asked if she could look through my closet to find something to wear. She is 6 months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 611
You deserved it 8 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1, you don't know the circumstances and it's quite ignorant to automatically label pregnancy as a bad thing. Remember, without pregnancy, you don't exist.

You might weigh more, but at least you're not the one who got knocked up.


You might weigh more, but at least you're not the one who got knocked up.

troyboyd05 0

Woah guys, did you hear about this awesome invention called a jacket? I hear you wear it over your clothes and it has a zipper down the front so you can leave it open!

Edmund_Dantes 0

Um, I hate to offend, but it's gotta be asked. Are you fat?

#1, you don't know the circumstances and it's quite ignorant to automatically label pregnancy as a bad thing. Remember, without pregnancy, you don't exist.

yeah but its a little insulting if her sister is gettin the bigger bump

Not true. I'm six months pregnant and still barely have a bump. I still fit in my 120 pound sisters clothes while I'm like 160. You can't assume 6 months into the pregnancy someone's gonna be huge. Everyone's different. OP probably just posted that tidbit of information to justify their upsetness with the situation.

xXxRandiexXx 0

I'm starting to really despise the guy who posted #8 he is jerk off who wants to act like a bad ass I bet you're nothing but a fat rapist who ***** on himself(these are references to other comments he's made) so do us all a favour and shut the **** up

I have to agree with Billy_J even if he is an asshole. If you're overweight, do something about it. Stop complaining.

Heh, sure I agree complaining doesn't do any good, but really Billy_J....being so insulting isn't going to help anyone. I can see how the event may upset something though, and I mean, who knows, maybe it opened her eyes and now she's being more proactive in trying to lose weight or something, I dunno, but we can't really point our fingers and judge when we barely know the circumstances. Also, why is it so much less of a problem when a guy is overweight? =/ I've never really gotten that...

alwaysalady 0

At full term I only weighed 130, and wore very few maternity clothes. If you have a lot of those empire waist shirts that are in style right now, then your're not fat. You're just convienent.

Dr_Phil 0

Maybe you should take this as a sign that it's time to lose some weight.