By Anonymous - 15/11/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, I had nothing better to do than make a penis out of silly putty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 850
You deserved it 37 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time you enjoy wasting cannot truly be called wasted ;-)

how is that an FML?? I'll make a penis out of silly putty any time!!!!


2dsonicfan91 0

*clap* *clap* *clap* Bravo. Does your life have meaning now?

I think that's the closest she'll ever come to a penis. _________________________________

christen09 8

not anymore now that its gone. ******* bitches i'm never first.

Time you enjoy wasting cannot truly be called wasted ;-)

Whoa_YouSuckk 0

i bet this is one of those FMLs that'll just end up getting deleted in a few minutes.. that happens with all the funny ones anyways, that seems like an awesome way to spend a day. (:

This is the trash they put up on the front page now? FML has hit rock bottom, and started digging.

how is that an FML?? I'll make a penis out of silly putty any time!!!!

Honestly, why all these FMLs that are just "Today I had nothing better to do than (insert trivial, immature time-wasting activity here)"? They're neither funny nor "FML". I certainly wish I had that much time to be silly. If they really wanted to do something else, they obviously could have, but chose not to.

mrbob360 0
i_is_a_tr00l 0

Did you shove it up your butthole afterwards?