By BigBangCheater - 01/04/2012 10:08 - United States - Loves Park

Today, I had my first free night in months. I spent it doing homework and watching TV. I had set my Facebook status to say I was spending time with the boys from The Big Bang Theory, then fell asleep. I woke up later to an angry text from my boyfriend thinking I was cheating on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 754
You deserved it 5 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, Sheldon could drive any woman to cheat...

Imagine what his reaction would have been if you'd said you'd be spending the night with Two and a Half Men.


Your boyfriend has the right to send you that text. Have you seen Sheldon? Damn he's hot!

SukiIzumi 8

I've never seen the show and I knew what that was.

twifan1901 0

Ha like he wouldn't want to spend the night with Penny!

It surprises me how many people love that show. Personally I can't stand it. To each their own I suppose :p

Your bf is an idiot. I'd stick with Leonard and Sheldon.

*knock knock* Penny *knock knock* Penny *knock knock* Penny

PinkFun1969 9

So Funny so "the boyfriend" would not be able to understand the "boys" from the big bang. lol

@41 or the new girl and/or desperate housewives


Now why would anyone believe that you're hanging out with famous people?

If he follows up with " bazinga!" it's cool lol