You made them use coasters, Monica

By Anonymous - 21/09/2019 12:00 - United Kingdom - Wakefield

Today, I was checking my friends' posts on Facebook and all of them were complaining what a boring night they had. They were all just at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 554
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post on all of their comments "**** you. I provided the place and the drinks and snacks (I'm assuming you did, if not they may have a point) It's not my fault you lame-Os couldn't carry on an intelligent conversation without Googling it to save your lives.

This is why we stay on Facebook -- you can make it seem you are fun and interesting. In real life, the truth comes out.


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

that's what you get for having friends

This is why we stay on Facebook -- you can make it seem you are fun and interesting. In real life, the truth comes out.

Post on all of their comments "**** you. I provided the place and the drinks and snacks (I'm assuming you did, if not they may have a point) It's not my fault you lame-Os couldn't carry on an intelligent conversation without Googling it to save your lives.