By Preggo - 10/12/2016 01:51

Today, I vomited so hard into the toilet that the water splashed back into my face. I instinctually moved away only to finish puking on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 599
You deserved it 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Dearest Preggo, though it's only been a few brief milliseconds since we parted, the time I've been away has been colder than I can bear. I need your warm digestive embrace once again. I plan on making a sudden and grand return. Yours, Vomit"

Oh no, I'm sorry. Throwing up is already awful, throw in having it splashed back in your face is even worse! Hopefully there wasn't too much to clean up afterwards. Hope you feel better soon OP!


man_in_black08 28

Preggo or not, i aint kissing that face

That's a good thing since OP's face isn't yours to kiss.

I can guarantee you at least one person you've kissed has had throw up on their face

Oh no, I'm sorry. Throwing up is already awful, throw in having it splashed back in your face is even worse! Hopefully there wasn't too much to clean up afterwards. Hope you feel better soon OP!

stevenbro 6

What's this incredibly annoying video ad that keeps appearing and blocking a quarter of my screen? It sucks!!!

"Dearest Preggo, though it's only been a few brief milliseconds since we parted, the time I've been away has been colder than I can bear. I need your warm digestive embrace once again. I plan on making a sudden and grand return. Yours, Vomit"

Nothing worse then vomiting, and to add having to clean it up afterwards just makes it worse... Hopefully the morning sickness passes quickly!

yikes. I remember my horrible morning sickness this happened to me on many occasions.... keep grocery plastic bags handy. I got to the point I was using the bathroom on myself & throwing up.. I'm 22 weeks now. It gets better!!

That's why there's garbage disposals. The clean up afterwards is so much easier plus you don't have to put your face where an ass used to be.

This is why we should make babies in test tubes.