By lucas_urev - 15/09/2014 22:19 - United States - Cold Spring Harbor

Today, I had made a cup of my favorite coffee, which I had recently found to be discontinued. To accompany this last cup, I went to get a muffin. As I turned around, I see my son pouring the cup out because I out put it next to the sink and he thought it was dirty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 758
You deserved it 7 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel your need for coffee, but at least he was trying to clean up.

Yes, teach your children that taking initiative and tidying up without being asked will lead to an immediate violent response. Perfect. Idiot.


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Yes, teach your children that taking initiative and tidying up without being asked will lead to an immediate violent response. Perfect. Idiot.

MichellinMan 20
MichellinMan 20

It may have been a joke, but it definitely wasn't sarcasm.

You need a lesson on sarcasm. Or better yet stop using it.

sempisaviour 17

Are you as incompetent as you sound #1? Why would you slap a CHILD? Isn't child abuse against the law? Sure, he messed up, but how is coffee a big deal in the long run? OP will live.

B3thyB3thy 5

I missed the part where the story had a violent response...what was it exactly?

I feel your need for coffee, but at least he was trying to clean up.

#2 and #3 Uhh, yeah but he really should've asked first.

Yes, curse him for his sense of responsibility.

I agree, you may have lost a cup of coffee but your son shows that he's at the very least willing to help out around the house. I'd say thats a win, even if the cost is your cup of coffee.

It's not just any old coffee, it's the last of its kind and the OP will never be able to enjoy its pleasant aroma ever again. *sniff*

Well he knows to get rid of dirty things, so it's not all that bad I guess.

Kind of reminds me of when starbucks makes seasonal coffees and then you run out, its pretty depressing.

Yes! There's a Starbucks at the college I go to, and they're always running out of the "pumpkin spice" flavor.

paramor3 23

Let's all stop for a moment of silence for the lost elixir of the gods.....

dakid87 10

It's not his fault. You should be happy that his helping.

cjwayy 22

I feel your pain, OP. My favorite lotion was discontinued a few years ago and my aunt stole my last bottle of it.

If this was a cat instead of your son, it would be a MLIA.

While I mourn for the loss of a perfectly good coffee, you should absolutely commend him for making the effort to clean up without your even asking him. Sounds like you're raising a good kid.