By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States

Today, I had a promo code for a free Redbox movie. Since I knew exactly which movie I wanted, I parked in a handicapped space because it was super close and I was cold. I didn't think anyone would notice, but apparently the cop that parked beside my car did. My free movie cost me $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 007
You deserved it 78 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.


Stupidity is not a disability, though it should be.

Sorry for the double post. FML is being buggy. Again.

Rick_S 3

In my home state, it's a ticket and an automatic tow. You're lucky you didn't get towed, too. I've always been a real stickler for not using spots when you don't use them. My Mom even used to say that if she used them, karma would get her and she would some day need to use them. You totally deserved what you got, and then some.

I also never use them. and every time I have to park farther away from the store because the only close spots are handicapped, I thank G-d that I don't need to use that spot. why would you use it if you don't need it? it's not for you. end of story. blows my mind when people do things like that. maybe my parents just did a good job of raising me to do the right thing.

I'll bet that you're walking with a slump now. Haha. Karma's a bitch. YDI.

HyperExecuter 0

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Actually i would not because I've been on the receiving end--driving a disabled person and the spot being taken by a non-handicapped person. So i know the frustration of it all. Op you deserve it.

No ******, you shut up. Everyone that parks in the handicapped reserved space should become invalid and see how funny it is.

tehchowder 0

YDI for being such a lazy asshole. Way to take advantage of your functioning legs.

Disabled Folks watch movies too ya know!!!! YDI all the way!!!!!

straight up piece of shit.. enough said

Stop being a lazy ass and park where you are supposed to.

You think this is a F your life, what about the person who really is disabled, tried to go to the movies, but all the parks were taken, so they had to walk ages in the cold? (just a scenario) should be a F Their Life! YDI

russianspy1234 11

"Waaa waa waaa I broke the law and got caught" And you were even retarded enough to park next to a cop? You know, you have a pretty good case for getting a placard yourself, though they would probably take away your license.