Relationships sink

By BS2280 - 09/06/2020 23:00

Today, my wife told me that she isn't in a place where she can have a physical relationship, that if I want us to have a physical relationship then we need to start from the bottom up, and work on building a friendship. I'm like, we've been married 15 years, and we're not even friends? FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 197
You deserved it 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is a crying shortage of info here. What was the sex life for the last 15 years? And if she was not interested for that long, why is OP reacting to it NOW instead of say 15 YEARS AGO? If it was normal until it stopped, then how did OP lose her trust (or how did she say OP lost her trust)? Not nearly enough to vote on.

Sometimes you just end up as business partners in a child production and rearing corporation.


Sometimes you just end up as business partners in a child production and rearing corporation.

Aiden89 23

Ever seen that movie “She’s Just Not That Into You?”

Umm ok seems like a good time for some couples therapy or a new wife

There is a crying shortage of info here. What was the sex life for the last 15 years? And if she was not interested for that long, why is OP reacting to it NOW instead of say 15 YEARS AGO? If it was normal until it stopped, then how did OP lose her trust (or how did she say OP lost her trust)? Not nearly enough to vote on.

OK, so, do exactly that. Start taking her on a date every week without expecting sex afterwards. It does not have to be expensive, you can just pack a brunch and take her on a picnic. Help her do the dishes, it's a great time to be together and just talk about stuff. Find stuff to do together. For a woman, emotional intimacy makes physical intimacy desirable.

I doubt that you weren't physical for 15 years, why did she stop?

Sounds like she's got someone else feeding her ideas.

Mathalamus 24

You obviously neglected a large part of the relationship.

Susan Yee 9

She’s bored of the monotone sex.

At least she isn’t demanding a divorce. There’s still time. My ex told me she wanted out and that there was someone else. I refused to let that be the end. She decided to try again. Unfortunately we didn’t do much in the way of professional help and it ended poorly, but you still have time to fix it. Whether or not you did anything wrong.