By Username - 04/12/2010 21:04 - United States

Today, I gave my friend a ride to town so she wouldn't have to pay the $10 to park. While waiting to pick her up, I grabbed a bite to eat. Upon returning to my car, I found a $55 parking ticket on my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 093
You deserved it 28 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should park in the right place next time? YDI.

Today, I got caught parking illegally, FML. YDI.


Fortuitous 0

One good deed deserves a ******* bitch slap to the ****/penis.

Parking in the right place isn't a good dead though :P

Fortuitous 0

*mega facepalm* Good DEAD? What in the name of the holy Christ that never once had intercourse is a good DEAD? Motherfucking wolf balls, what has this world come to? Somebody help me!

*writes Fortuitous a prescription for Xanax, Ativan, and Absolut*

omg relax! a typo on the Internet! oh dear god! /sarcasm

#27 so you didn't want him to relax?

Ouch but he/she is your friend so you can have time together and you do anything for your friends

Maybe you should park in the right place next time? YDI.

polofan15 0

No it doesn't, he got the 55 dollar ticket for not paying the 10 dollars to park, why he would get out of his car knowing that makes him an idiot

foxre28 0

this is why you either 1. make sure the meter has enough time 2. make sure your not in a no parking zone. ydi.

You know, parking restrictions are usually displayed on those things called signs. Maybe you should learn to read. Don't lie, you know you had someone else type and submit this for you.

Today, I got caught parking illegally, FML. YDI.