By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States

Today, I had a promo code for a free Redbox movie. Since I knew exactly which movie I wanted, I parked in a handicapped space because it was super close and I was cold. I didn't think anyone would notice, but apparently the cop that parked beside my car did. My free movie cost me $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 007
You deserved it 78 769

Same thing different taste

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Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.


Of course it was super close. Handicapped people generally can't get around very well. F their lives if they had to park in a far away normal space because you can't handle twelve seconds of cold.

pendulum2012 0

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See also: "Today, I broke the rules and got punished for doing so. I did not expect to have that happen to me. FML."

Consider yourself lucky... its a $825 fine in San Francisco, California now.

pendulum2010 or whatever: Since when has it been okay to be an ignorant shit-smeared douchebag?

Mx718 0

I guess he desevred the spot. He's mentally retarded.

Wish it were that steep a fine here (Melbourne). It might make more disabled spots available for use by the disabled.


You deserved it. Nothing else to say, really.

YDI- handicapped spots are for the handicapped not the stupid

she also deserved it for using redbox to begin with. find yourself a blockbuster and rent movies the good ol fashioned way.

borabora1991 0

Redbox is fantastic. $1 for 1 night. Why would you pay 5 dollars for 5 nights when you know you'll only watch the movie once or twice while you have it? Unless you're implying that when you rent a movie from blockbuster you watch it every single day that it's in your possession. Redbox saves money, which people need these days.

HeyThereGorgeous 0

all the blockbusters went outta business where I live ):

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Or they just shouldn't park in spaces where they're not supposed to. Revolutionary thought, I know.

PutDownTheGun 0

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Too bad the ticket wasn't more, you deserve it for being lazy, a handicaped person may have been close.

Defiantly agree the fine should have been more!

FiddleStikz 0

Today, I was going to get a movie to watch with my grandkids. The only handicapped spot was taken and so I had to park at the end of the lot and walk through the cold. FML

People shouldn't just get handicapped tags because they are old. They should have to have a legit disability

mags17 1

Most elderly people need it because they are unsteady on their feet. Or because they have fallen, broken a hip, and have a hard time walking now. Regardless, to get the handicapped sticker you do need to have your doctor verify a handicap, its just that it is much more common for the elderly to get.

sparxva 12

Not an FML. it is more of an f' the handicapped people who actually needed that space. Obviously you were in there longer than you realized and I doubt this is the first time you parked in a handicapped spot. You totally deserved it. No FML for you.

Even if she won, think of wat some lady in a wheelchair would have to go through because the OP was to effing selfish to walk outside for ten seconds in the cold.

I don't know how to say you deserved it more.

Your life is ******... you clearly are retarded so deserve to be in that space.

Disabled parking is not for the MENTALLY disabled. Only a retard would park in that space and expect to get away with it. Parking FAIL.