By icecreamer - 06/07/2009 04:03 - United States

Today, I went over to get some ice cream. I found a rare parking spot in front of the store, and even had change in my pocket. After feeding the meter, A lady comes up to me and tells me that the meter was free after 8 o'clock. I paid 50 cents for it. I was 50 cents short for my ice cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 020
You deserved it 12 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, poor you, you didnt get ur ice cream. I totally understand. Lol.


Should really bring more change :) And how exactly is this an FML

americayay 0

Big ******* deal. You dont get your little ice cream? WAH! Pansy ass.

and what does that have to do with nobeans6131's comment again?

this isnt an fml this is just a fail, and u could ask someone or the store owner the problem and see if they can lend u 50 cents

Oh how horrible!!! Oh no!! How will u live??

YDI for 1. living in new jersey 2. being retarted 3. being phat and 4. for having your name be icecreamer wtf

Aw, poor you, you didnt get ur ice cream. I totally understand. Lol.

shnibz101 0

While I agree that it's ridiculous to go out to buy something and then bring only the exact amount of money with you when you know that you'll be paying for other shit, chiding someone for not having a shit ton of extra money at all times is also ridiculous. Some people don't have 100 dollars to keep around as spare change. Some people don't feel comfortable carrying that much.

irrelevantxx 0

YDI for not bringing more change. There's always tax.

deathbunny256 0

Haha well firstly you're sad about losing 50 cents and secondly you're sad about not having enough money for ice cream which is always available. why would you take 50 cents worth of time to buy ice cream? On most parking meters that's like half an hour.

So you lost 50 cent. Wow your life is ******. YDI

deaditegirl 0

Was there a sign? If so, YDI for not reading it. Also, YDI for not knowing how to manage your money if you don't have 50 cents.

Ur an idiot my friend, you're supposed to atleast bring a 10$ bill with you!

haha, loser... YDI. u shoulda brought money... wat if u did need to feed the meter... than u'd b short of money neway... u shoulda known how much the icecream is and that theres a meter...