By seriously - 17/12/2014 13:33 - United States - Oak Lawn

Today, I decided to splurge and get valet parking at a fancy restaurant. I got out of the car and gave the man my keys and watched as he slowly backed my car into another car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 597
You deserved it 3 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never valet. Walking is better for you anyway

He better be paying for the damage I'm so sorry OP!


I never valet. Walking is better for you anyway

Valet isn't always bad, but it's generally better to get the exercise if you can.

Also, if it's really busy & you're in a hurry, I'll use it (if it's cheap)

I wouldn't even let my family park my car, why would I let someone else do it for me? (I'm guessing that's what a valet is, I've never seen one in the UK that doesn't mean a car wash)

He better be paying for the damage I'm so sorry OP!

Since the restaurant offers valet service, I'm sure it has insurance for this sort of thing.

I was gonna say after reading this, that's more of a valet's problem than a OP's problem.

shivamtrivedi 24

Woah. Watching it in front of your own eyes. That must've been painful. Hope you get over it and not get any nightmares :P Seriously though, I sincerely hope that you don't have to pay for the damage.

Was the attendant an Asian woman? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh snap hahaha

trellz17 19

At least you saw it so he can't claim that someone else backed into it or something. I hope he pays!